Saturday, December 3, 2011

’Tis The Season

The road to Albany is paved with constant tax payer advertising. The art of the press release continues to get refined by the incumbent legislators and the rookie legislators, while not necessarily left in the dust, pale by comparison. There are many local weekly newspapers that exist through advertising as their revenue mainstay as they are otherwise free to the reader. The only daily newspaper in the area is looking for a new office while they’ve jettisoned staff, assets and finally their building. The staff that is left must take one week off before the end of the year with no pay just to hold onto their jobs. It’s ironic how they have always (and continue) to endorse the liberal agenda, report on how great the President is doing for our country and that there’s no recession. They are finally able to experience first hand the affects of their endorsements. Touché.

In the areas best opinion weekly, the Westchester Guardian, they printed the obligatory press release, this time from George Latimer, entitled “On The Road: The I-287 Project”. Their editor places value in these press releases, having previously told me that these are how they inform the constituents of the progress they are making on their behalf in Albany. That remains to be seen. It sometimes seems like self-flatuance to me. I will say from the onset, I like George Latimer. I’ve met with him numerous times and he seems to be a straight-shooter. But, since I don’t reside in his district, he and I each have nothing to lose by being open and honest. 

In this release, he states, “The project has long been burdened by inadequate planning, unqualified design teams, lack of oversight, and a ‘rigid regional’ funding system that made financing even more difficult when compounded with the current economic climate. This project was approved during a different economy and there was wiggle room in the state budget. Now, we unfortunately don’t have the same luxuries and that has cost the taxpayers greatly while 287 has been under construction.”* 

My issue with this press release is that it purports the information from Latimer is accurate when it needs to be challenged. Had this been a real journalistic interview by an unbiased reporter, they might have challenged him on the first sentence. He has been a legislator in Albany for a good many years. To say this project, which was brought to light in an exposé article by the Journal News, has long been burdened by inadequate planning, unqualified design, lack of oversight, etc., smacks of hypocrisy on his part. We elect legislators to go to Albany to represent us. I can’t think of anyone who wants to get ripped off on any project. I'm sure he’s driven on I-287 and wondered as we all do when will it ever be completed? The difference is as a legislator he can easily find out. But he did nothing. He also, along with many other flabbergasted colleagues, never lifted a finger to help the constituencies along the I-287 corridor.

The release continues, “Governor Andrew Cuomo recently implemented a new series of drastic reforms that will bring the cost of the I-287 project under control and move up the often changed end date. The Governor’s changes will significantly alter the way the Department of Transportation does business, making the Department more efficient on projects throughout New York. Once again, he has shown strong leadership in advancing necessary change in the way state government functions.” While I’m sure this flattery will curry favor for Latimer with the governor, this is exactly what I’d have hope for from my assemblyman, not the governor. This press release should have come from the Governor’s office. 

He continues on, “These reforms came as a result of the investigation by Peter Lehrer at the request of the Governor’s Office and will directly address the significant issues that have slowed down the I-287 project and many others across the state. Peter Lehrer is a renowned construction industry expert and also a Mamaroneck resident who most likely has been frustrated by the I-287 project himself.” Nice try George. This may be the case for the state, but if it hadn’t been for the Journal News digging into this story, the state would have blissfully lumbered along without as much as a whimper of a challenge to the practices by those reaping the financial benefits. After the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, it’s a little too little too late. Where’s the wiggle-room now?

Term limits comes up by many every time elections are near - for good reason. Press releases can be a good informational tool if it’s not abused and wasted. Unfortunately, this one is exactly that. It is a publicity/campaign tool that has outlived its usefulness in its current form. I also just received the Tom Abinanti pre-Christmas mailer, stating all that he has been involved in while in Albany since he beat me in the last election. He claims to be green but then mails this oversized cardboard campaign piece. Here’s a guy who knows how to campaign on the taxpayers dime. Nita Lowey has sent hers as well. The waste, I’m sure justified as informative, does nothing but pollute. I’m sure there isn’t much we can do to stop a lot of junk mail coming every holiday. After all ’tis the season.

Read George Latimer’s entire press release at:

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