Friday, April 1, 2011

Russian Roulette On Our Streets!

Driving throughout the Town lately has turned into Russian Roulette with potholes. Outside of my driveway, I can't go anywhere by car without drifting, dodging, skirting or actually hitting a pothole somewhere in the Town. I'm sure our highway crew is out working, that's not my issue. Safety is. The pot hole crew, whomever they may be, should be out on overtime, especially when there is less traffic to impact, fixing and filling potholes. It would be nice, driving to work, to not have to worry about traffic, sun glare, coffee spilling, and the quick display of brake lights as several cars up ahead brake with their new-found surprises.

I've witnessed NYS pot hole crews on Rt 119, selectively filling voids, and wondered how it was determined that they would fill one but not the one right next to it? I understand the whole “stay within the lane” thing from a safety perspective. I also understand it's been a particularly harsh winter. While we go through this every year, it seems as though those in charge never really plan well for it. Add to this our Supervisor’s draining of our reserve funds which could be used in an emergency like this.

But beyond Rt 119, our minor roads and side streets are resembling roads that have been assaulted by IED's. The danger with all of this is obvious. As cars serve to avoid one pothole, they almost always go into another. And if they are lucky to not hit another vehicle, they are swerving into other lanes of traffic, whether oncoming or the same direction. Now thats scary. Wheel alignment machines throughout the Town are extremely busy.

Another safety issue is the bicyclists and walkers are roads that are trying to use already unsafe roads on a good day. We have seen an increase in cyclists due to several reasons, but the difficult street conditions for cars has exacerbated their tenuous space on the roads. In fact, Merrill Cassell, a resident of Hartsdale, was killed by a bus on Rt 119 and Aqueduct Place while he was cycling. And this was when the road conditions were okay.

Each weekend brings us added hours (albeit them overtime hours) that could have our crews repairing the roadways. Calling our state representatives about the state roads, such as Rt 119, should be on the top of the Supervisors to-do list each and every day until Greenburgh residents get some relief. Until then, I'll see you at the alignment shop.

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