my country by the illegal aliens that are here in violation, disregard and contempt of our laws and sovereignty. I applaud the recent change in the Arizona law that added a layer of state penalties to what already exists under federal law. I only wish our own New York State legislators had the backbone to follow suit. They don’t and it’s one reason I’m running for the assembly seat. Arizona’s was a desperate cry for help from the federal government that was and is still being ignored. None other than our president is leading the brouhaha that some politicians have falsely created over this new legal update. This is no different than when he made the comment that Boston Police Officers were stupid because they arrested the professor for breaking into his own house when he refused their request for identification.
Our politicians, other leaders and even foreigners who are simply publicity whores are not acting in the
best interest of our country. By the way, I’m not looking to insult prostitutes when I mention whores, whose chosen profession, in most places, is also illegal. But the question remains, why are our politicians being so dishonest and so openly anti-America? Could it be, as some have suggested, that once these illegal aliens are given what Congressional candidate Jim Russell has coined as “Obamnesty”, they will shortly thereafter receive driver’s licenses, along with the ability to vote? I believe the answer is, “Yes!” Once they can vote, they will assuredly drift toward voting for Democratic Party candidates, whose leadership validated the illegal actions to permit the “Obamnesty”.
When a politician takes office, they swear an oath to that office. Here is the complete text for any number of federal offices, and I have made “bold” what I believe relevant to this argument: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” In New York, it is slightly
different: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States, and the
constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (position), according to the best of my ability.”
I find it interesting that while Arizona’s pleas for help went unheeded, everyone at the federal level turned a blind eye to the crime, gangs and kidnappings that were running rampant for over a decades’ time near the border and beyond. Following the exact tenets put forth under the Constitution of the United States, Arizona legislators followed to the letter, the oaths they swore to uphold when assuming office. A fact largely dismissed by “pro-illegals” advocates is that when an American travels legally to a foreign country, they are required to carry identification and provide it when requested by the authorities. This being the case, should this not be a requirement of the global citizenry the president is so desperate to reduce our country to? So Mr. President, since you are no longer a community organizer, and in fact
our president, how about acting presidential? Start securing our borders, bring deportation proceedings against those people who are here illegally and then you can criticize Arizona.
The violations of trust and respect for our country has been a long, on-going issue that won’t be resolved overnight. The president didn’t create what is going on but he is certainly exacerbating it. Arizonians, tired of being ignored by a system of corrupt individuals who are running our government into the ground, took action. Like a schoolyard of spoiled brats who complained to the teacher when they were finally exposed, they tried to spin the truth into something it wasn’t.
Finally, what a welcome relief to see legislators with “a set” who are willing to take action and do the right thing for their constituents! Here’s a link to read the actual law. You’ll be able to see that nowhere in the law is the scenario the president so wrongfully touts about getting arrested while buying your kids ice cream because you don’t have your wallet with your ID. Please, read it for yourself:
h t t p : / / w w w. a z l e g . g o v /l e g t e x t / 4 9 l e g / 2 r / b i l l s /sb1070s.pdf
One more interesting bill that Arizona is proposing, and it’s been largely ignored by the lamestream media, as well, is their House Bill 2281, which amends Section 15-843 of Arizona Revised Statutes relating to School Curriculum. It prohibits a school district or charter school from including courses or classes that either promote the overthrow of the United States government or promote resentment toward a race or class of people, as well as banning ethnic studies and promoting equality. Wow! I’m liking these guys more and more.
Finally, what a welcome relief to see legislators with “a set” who are willing to take action and do the right thing for their constituents! Here’s a link to read the actual law. You’ll be able to see that nowhere in the law is the scenario the president so wrongfully touts about getting arrested while buying your kids ice cream because you don’t have your wallet with your ID. Please, read it for yourself:
h t t p : / / w w w. a z l e g . g o v /l e g t e x t / 4 9 l e g / 2 r / b i l l s /sb1070s.pdf
One more interesting bill that Arizona is proposing, and it’s been largely ignored by the lamestream media, as well, is their House Bill 2281, which amends Section 15-843 of Arizona Revised Statutes relating to School Curriculum. It prohibits a school district or charter school from including courses or classes that either promote the overthrow of the United States government or promote resentment toward a race or class of people, as well as banning ethnic studies and promoting equality. Wow! I’m liking these guys more and more.
Thomas Bock, a Systems Administrator, is a candidate for the 92nd New York State Assembly in Albany. He is a life-long resident of Elmsford/Town of Greenburgh and a 37-year member and former Chief of the Elmsford Fire Department. You can read more on ElectTomBock. com; and can reach him by directing email to
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