Part of the issue is the lack of checks and balances that have been removed from all of our systems of government. When we were in school, we all learned about balance, a two (or multiple) party system and the benefits thereof. We are experiencing the socialist, one-party rule at the local, county, state and federal levels by only having democrats in power. This must change. It's time to be heard!
Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in your world." I believe in this and want to see my family's and my son's future world, be a good, affordable one that treats people with courtesy and respect. We haven't had this for some time now. Vote for me for 8th District County Legislator and help me bring government back to 'We the People'.
"Fed Up and Unwilling to be Ignored. It's Time to be Heard!"
You're right, they don't get it. It's time to vote the bums out!