Monday, June 29, 2009

We Must Reduce the Size of County Government

I believe we can. The biggest and most challenging aspect of this goal is that it must be a bi-partisan effort. I agree with Rob Astorino, our candidate for County Legislator, that we must stop the tax madness in Westchester and New York state. But, the initial stage will require the voice of the people (read Vox Populi @ Westchester Herald ( to push all the legislators to start by cutting the pork we have in government. Do we really need someone being paid to deal with movie companies making movies in Westchester? Maybe we do, but why pick on one position. We need to reevaluate all positions.

After we start trimming do-nothing, patronage and unnecessary positions, we can go after the programs that are redundant, not successful or producing a cost-effective return, outdated, and most importantly, duplicated. As we begin this trimming, we should be able to at least hold our taxes where they are. As we continue to trim, we should slowly begin to see our taxes go down. It took years for the democratically controlled legislature to get us here and it will be difficult, but not impossible to to reverse this trend.

A large portion of my district, District 8, is a low income area and the recipient of many dollars for many people. It will be difficult, but not impossible for us to address this without displacing or hurting our recipients. But government cannot continue a cradle-to-the-grave environment forever. We are now paying the price for that. Plus, there are many options from the private sector that may accomplish the same things that don't cost as much or anything.

Help me by joining my campaign. If you agree with me, great! If you don't agree, feel free to disagree, but offer me a real solution, not talking points, and I'll listen with an open mind. You can also email me at


  1. The Democrats will never work with you because their voting base is tied directly to the money they give away. I hope you'll be able to make the tough choices when you are elected and it doesn't hurt your abilities to do something for the little guys.

  2. Good luck. There are nothing but incumbents running things into the ground. Your challengers are more of the same.


I encourage all readers to post comments, whether they are in agreement with my views or not. I only ask that you refrain from using profanity. It's Time to be Heard!