Secession advocate Aaron Price wants a split between Upstate and Downstate. Claiming a litany of lost liberty and economic opportunity, advocates of upstate secession called for a permanent separation of upstate from downstate. The approximate dividing line would be the Poughkeepsie area. In a news conference held in Binghamton, Aaron Price listed a number of grievances including the inability to develop their own land for hydro-fracking, the NY State Safe Act and more. I believe the underlying reasons for the exodus from NY is the incredibly high and oft-times hidden taxes, over regulation, disproportionate spending in hand-picked areas throughout the state, welfare benefits for anyone who applies for them, including illegals, member-spending monies allocated by politicians only interested in lining their own pockets and, well, the list is never-ending.
Wednesday’s news conference was held in advance of a pro-secession rally from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday at General Clinton Park in Bainbridge. Speakers listed on a flier announcing the rally include representatives of Landowner Advocates of New York, Tri-County Tea Party and Divide NYS Caucus. Advocates believe secession is a real goal, not simply a means to bring attention to specific issues. They insisted their vision includes a chicken in every pot, as well as a drilling pad on every plot — or at least on those whose owners want one.“The problem is at one point in upstate New York, we had pockets of poverty, but it’s spread all around the cities,” Price said. “New York City is still doing well. Our region is not, and no one wants to confront the real issues.”
The amount of people throughout the state and in fact upstate supporting secession is not clear at this point, although polling indicates the top issues the secessionists see as evidence of government intrusion enjoy at least some level of support. I'm sure when this plan becomes viable, we'll hear Governor Cuomo yelling into some microphone saying he is unfazed by a small group of extremists, yada yada yada and dismiss their concerns as frivolous. They are not. These issues are real and need to be addressed - and soon. Once I pay off my mortgage, I'm packing my bags and heading to a less regulated, less taxed and more attractive to live in state. See ya!