Saturday, July 17, 2010

Let’s Invent Tomorrow!

We know that many politicians pander to their constituents. It’s not limited to only one party. I can point a finger toward many politicians and know I'm correct about their pandering. The one thing we continually hear from many of the current administrations from the local to the federal levels is the need for a stimulus package to create jobs. It’s a concept that seems on target. But is this what we really need or are they pandering?

I don’t believe the previous stimulus packages have had the desired effect. “Real” jobs have not been created, because “real” jobs have staying power. Every locale would be happy to have jobs, but those developed through these pork-laden packages cannot sustain a family, much less have the necessary payoff needed to grow a community. Often, not only do the positions created have little value in terms of a community return, but they are awarded to select people who may not truly be in need. An example of one such job is a music director for one community.  Huh?

Other examples of a few grants that are available are 1) $2 million to retrofit or replace 575 diesel engines on public vehicles. The “goal”, which I interpret as an excuse, is to reduce emissions. What vehicles qualify and by when does it need to be completed, if ever? 2) $662k to rehabilitate and paint the steel gates of dams. Which ones? What is the criteria? Shouldn’t the requisite maintenance for these already have been budgeted? 3) And finally, $25k to hire a music director. Just one? Let’s all sing along… Later, we can have a group hug! It’s pandering at it’s best and worst!

The real question is whether or not this type of spending will actually stimulate the economy or is simply more pork? Contrary to what we’re always told, there is no long-term growth with these expenditures, only a very short term and limited impact. And, its not that the efforts won’t accomplish anything, but like any position that is created with federal monies, once the funding runs out, it’s up to the locale to fund the position or let it expire. These types of pork are a fleeting, feel-good, Three-Card-Monty type of shell game. They do not drive the creation of new and or additional jobs. Small business does. Keynesianism simply won’t work as it is continually forced upon us. We should abandon it completely!

Many who support the Keynesian model believe government can better spend our money than we can. Those in government who like this model believe big government can allocate massive sums of money toward their pet projects and the special interest groups they’ve relied on for votes. Only it doesn’t work. For instance, when a union backs a candidate, they typically make a donation to “their” candidates campaign with members’ money and then they “own” the candidate. All of the candidates will say that they are beholden to no group and will act in a fair and even-handed way when it becomes time to vote for against their donors issue. That’s crap!

Depending on which set of figures you prefer to believe, unemployment is at either about 10% or 18%. I tend to believe the 18% number because there are many unemployed who have given up looking for a job. Yes, there are jobs out there but they’re not being advertised as readily because businesses are afraid to commit to hiring people because of the uncertainty around us, mostly in the form of tax increases. We have issues in the Middle East with Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Al Qaeda, Hamas and more. We have a health care bill that promises to cost businesses more than they can afford. It whittles away at private options and pushes a public option. It’s loaded with pork, and waste promises to be rampant. Unemployment insurance has risen, numerous other costs to business have increased, fuel costs are constantly rising and gasoline has creeped over the $3 mark and promises to be back up to $4+/gallon shortly. Property taxes are rising, seniors are leaving, our kids are going out of state to school and can’t afford to come back, even with college degrees. And these aren’t fluff degrees like those of philosophy and archeology. Trickle-down bureaucracy doesn’t work. Jobs work!

Help me fix Albany. Help me fix New York. Dare to change the way you’ve been thinking and what you’ve been doing. It hasn’t been working for a long time. Out of control government spending, record high deficits, an ever-growing federal debt, increased welfare spending cannot produce an economic boon. It’s time to think differently. Let’s Invent Tomorrow!

I pledge to work toward lowering taxes for businesses and individuals. I pledge to work toward having our seniors be able to afford to live here on their fixed income and still be able to splurge once in a while. I pledge to work toward having our kids be able to live here when they come back after college. I pledge to work toward closing the budget gaps and having a balanced, on-time budget. We need some grown-ups in Albany! I don’t want to be elected and then stay there forever. Richard Brodsky was in office for 28 years! Tom Abinanti is in office for 20 years! Haven’t we had enough of these kinds of politicians? I think it’s time we dare to change Albany; for Westchester’s sake. Expect more! Let’s Invent Tomorrow!